In this interview, we meet with Kavi Guppta, a knowledgeable and experienced digital nomad who coverts the topics of Tech, digital nomads and remote work for Forbes and other magazines.
Kavi has spoken with the most prominent nomads out there, so if you are interested in building a sustainable nomadic life, his advice will be valuable and might help ut things in perspective for you.
The interview is very comprehensive, but here are two things I have taken from it personally
• Kavi looks on digital nomadism as only one subset of a remote working culture which included home working, location independence and much more.
• Kavi identifies a change in digital nomadism that used to be reserved to “young white males in tech background”. We see more women and minorities join the trend, which is no longer a “glorified constant backpacking” but a new way of life balancing work and travel.
With companies now increasingly allowing their employees to choose Where, When, How Frequently they want to work, the digital nomad world is growing fast. Listen to the interview to hear more about what characteristics, in Kavi's opinion, make a nomad into a successful nomad.
Here is a link to Kavi’s (@kaviguppta) interesting articles on Forbes: